Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Flowering Pansy, A Dress, In February?!

Hey New Meadowins!
I heard you got snow...
How SAD!
Okay so I thought I'd come back to brag
We set out for dinner at like 8:00 p.m.
I wore a summer dress...
We walked a couple blocks.
It's warm!
They have flowers in February!

Palm trees are amazing. by the way.

Also, the smell of the ocean, fantastic.
Seafood, spectacular
Oh Oh Oh!
9:50 p.m. Swimming in outdoor pool. Twas nice.
Suck it Zims!
I will be so depressed returning to snow//cold.

Guess How Far?

Wow! What a long day!
My first flight left Boise at 7:30 am and I arrived in Pensacola at 6:30 pm.
I am 2411.44 miles from home. =[[
Well I can't tell you what it's like here because it was already dark when we landed.
All I can say seems like driving through Caldwell. wtf? I've been jipped!
Breathing here was hard to get used to.
Anyway, I'm off to eat some seafood.
I'll keep everyone updated tomorrow after I tour the courtroom and see Pensacola in daylight!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Disappearing Act/Kidnapping

I haven't seen my 'mother' in about two weeks now.
I used the term 'mother' lightly here.
It's not a big loss. I don't seem to notice. I get along fine.
Please understand I am not being cruel or insincere...
My mother, My MOM started disappearing about a year ago.
This disappearance is the reason why her absence isn't difficult.
There is a human missing from my household, but my mother has been missing for a while.
I've just been waiting for her to come back...
I will wait forever.
And when she comes back,
I'm here with open arms.
The man responsible for this disappearance,
One could call him a thief, a homewrecker, a mothernapper,
Is one Jack Ketlinski.
You manipulated and poisened my mother's mind and you took her away from her children.
Does that satisfy your ego?
Does that make you feel good?
You promised her a better life.
You convinced her to leave us and it would get better.
Did you promise her she'd be in an empty house WITHOUT her kids?
I hope one day something is taken from you. Someone or something.
I hope you feel this pain.
I hope you feel abandonment just like my brother, dad, and I feel.
You've taken a wife and mother of two away.
All I have to say is,
Fuck you Jack Ketlinski.