Tuesday, January 20, 2009


That's Webdings for postponed.
That's webdings for another word that is totally appropriate right now.
So after all of my stressing out over getting my schoolwork done, and rushing to get through things and bugging teachers to write my finals early, they postpone it.
GAH! I feel like a fool.
The public defender that he was assigned has stage 4 cancer and must take a medical leave. They will be providing him with another public defender but that gentlemen needs time to get to know the case and everything involved.
I understand it's cancer and I feel bad for that man and his family - no one deserves that.
I am still angry/frusterated. Maybe a little sad...
All I know is I can't stop crying.
The trial is re-scheduled for March 2nd. I will leave February 26th and come back March 5th.
Hah. Something will go wrong again.
This is the third time it's been changed.
I. am. hating. the. court. system.
I don't even want to do this anymore!
I thought I was doing a service...doing something good.
This whole thing is just a fUckiNG inconveniance on MY life.
I was really looking forward to a short vacation.

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